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Systems Innovation Programs

Last modified: January 27, 2023
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Estimated reading time: 9 min


Systems Innovation refers to improving or transforming complex systems, such as economic, social or technological systems. It aims to create new and more effective ways of organizing and managing these systems to better meet the needs of society. This can be achieved by developing new technologies, business models, policies, and governance structures.

The significance of systems innovation lies in its ability to address complex and interrelated problems that cannot be solved through incremental or single-issue approaches. It is particularly important in addressing global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and sustainable development. Systems innovation can also help to create new opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and improved quality of life.

It is essential for organizations and governments to consider systems innovation when looking for solutions to complex problems. This often requires collaboration and cooperation across different sectors and disciplines and the active participation of stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, and civil society organizations.


Systems innovation is a process of designing and implementing changes to complex systems, such as economic, social, or technological systems, to improve their performance and address critical issues. The significance and importance of systems innovation are that it allows for addressing complex and multifaceted issues that cannot be solved through incremental changes or traditional approaches.

Some examples of complex issues that can be addressed through systems innovation include:

  1. Climate change: Systems innovation can help address the issue of climate change by designing and implementing new systems that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development.
  2. Poverty and inequality: Systems innovation can help address poverty and inequality by designing and implementing new economic systems that promote equitable distribution of resources and opportunities.
  3. Healthcare: Systems innovation can help address healthcare issues by designing and implementing new healthcare systems that improve accessibility, affordability, and quality of care.
  4. Education: Systems innovation can help address education issues by designing and implementing new educational systems that improve access, equity, and quality of education.
  5. Energy: Systems innovation can help address energy issues by designing and implementing new energy systems that promote sustainable energy production and consumption.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of issues that can be addressed through systems innovation. The significance of each issue will vary depending on the specific context and the stakeholders involved.

Systemic Issues

Systemic issues refer to problems deeply rooted in a system’s structure and functioning and cannot be solved by addressing individual components or symptoms of the problem. These issues often have multiple causes and can have far-reaching effects on society. Examples of systemic issues include poverty, inequality, climate change, and racism.

The root causes of systemic issues can be complex and multifaceted and may include historical, cultural, political, and economic factors. For example, poverty may be caused by a lack of access to education and job opportunities, structural discrimination and bias.

Some examples of systemic issues include:

  • Poverty and inequality: These issues are closely linked and can result from a lack of access to education, job opportunities, and social services, as well as discrimination and bias.
  • Climate change: This is a systemic issue caused by human activity, including burning fossil fuels and deforestation. It has far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, economies, and communities worldwide.
  • Systemic racism: This refers to how racial bias is embedded in the systems and structures of society, leading to discrimination and unequal opportunities for marginalized communities.
  • Global health crisis: This refers to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy, healthcare systems, and society.
  • Environmental degradation: this refers to the impact of human activity on the natural environment, including pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.

Wicked Problems

Wicked problems are complex, multifaceted issues that are difficult to define and solve, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. They are often characterized by a lack of clear cause-and-effect relationships, multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests, and a lack of clear solutions.

Systems innovation addresses wicked problems and focuses on understanding and changing the underlying systems contributing to the problem. This can involve looking at the problem holistically, identifying and engaging with all relevant stakeholders, and experimenting with new approaches and solutions.

One key aspect of systems innovation is using design thinking and systems mapping to create a shared understanding of the problem and identify potential leverage points for change. This can also involve co-creation and co-design processes, where stakeholders are actively engaged in the design and implementation of solutions.

Another critical aspect of systems innovation is experimentation and iteration to test and iterate on solutions. This can involve using various tools and methods, such as prototyping, piloting, and scenario planning to explore potential solutions and learn from successes and failures.

System Thinking

Systems thinking is an approach to understanding and analyzing complex systems and the relationships between their various parts. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of different elements within a system and how changes in one part can have ripple effects throughout the entire system.

One of the key concepts in systems thinking is the idea of feedback loops, where the output of a system influences its own input, creating a self-reinforcing or self-correcting effect. This can be positive (amplifying) or negative (balancing) feedback loops.

The significance of systems thinking is that it allows for a more holistic understanding of complex problems and systems. Recognizing the interconnectedness of different elements within a system, it can help to identify leverage points for change and potential unintended consequences of interventions. It also helps to consider decisions’ long-term and systemic impacts, not just the immediate effects.

Systems thinking is used in various fields, including business, engineering, social sciences, public policy, and environmental management. It is often used to address complex and “wicked” problems, such as sustainability, urban development, public health, and climate change, where traditional linear and reductionist approaches may not be sufficient.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that emphasizes empathy, experimentation, and iteration. It is a process that can be applied to many problems, from designing new products and services to improving organizational processes and systems to addressing social and societal issues.

The design thinking process typically consists of several stages:

  1. Empathize: This stage involves understanding the needs and perspectives of the people affected by the problem or solution. This can involve conducting user research, such as interviews and observations, to gain a deep understanding of the problem from the users’ point of view.
  2. Define: This stage involves defining the problem and identifying critical insights from the empathy stage. This can involve creating user personas, problem statements, and points of view.
  3. Ideate: This stage involves generating a wide range of ideas for potential solutions. This can involve brainstorming, mind mapping, and other creative techniques to generate as many ideas as possible.
  4. Prototype: This stage involves creating a physical or digital representation of the ideas generated in the ideation stage. This can be a simple mock-up or a detailed model, but the goal is to create something tangible that can be tested and iterated.
  5. Test: This stage involves testing the prototype with users to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. This can involve conducting user testing, usability testing, or other types of testing to gather data and insights.
  6. Iterate: This stage involves using the feedback and insights from the testing stage to improve the prototype. This can involve making changes to the prototype’s design, functionality, or other aspects.

Overall, design thinking is a process that emphasizes empathy, experimentation, and iteration. It helps to create solutions tailored to users’ needs and perspectives and can be tested and refined through feedback and iteration.

It’s important to note that design thinking is not limited to the design of products and services. It can be applied to a wide range of problems and challenges, from business and organizational processes, to social and societal issues. It’s a mindset and a way of approaching problems that encourages creativity, collaboration, and user-centered design.

Systems Mapping

Systems mapping is a technique to visually represent the interconnected elements and relationships within a complex system. It is used to understand the system and identify key leverage points for change.

There are several different types of systems maps, such as causal loop diagrams, stock and flow diagrams, and system archetypes, each with its own strengths and best use cases.

A systems map can identify critical components of a system, such as actors, resources, and processes, and the relationships between them. It can also identify positive and negative feedback loops that amplify or dampen system changes.

The significance of systems mapping is that it allows for a more holistic understanding of complex problems and systems. By visually representing the various elements and relationships within a system, it can help to identify potential unintended consequences of interventions and potential leverage points for change.

In systems innovation, systems mapping creates a shared understanding of the problem among stakeholders and identifies potential solutions. It can be used as a tool for co-creation and co-design, as it allows stakeholders to see the system as a whole and to identify potential solutions together.

Systems mapping can also evaluate interventions’ effectiveness by monitoring the system’s changes over time. It can also be used in scenario planning to explore the potential outcomes of different interventions.

In summary, systems mapping is a powerful tool for understanding complex systems and identifying leverage points for change. It is a crucial technique in systems innovation, as it allows for a more holistic and inclusive approach to problem-solving by creating a shared understanding of the problem among stakeholders and identifying potential solutions.

Theory of Change

The theory of change is a framework that outlines the steps and outcomes necessary for a desired change to occur. It is used to understand how different actions and interventions will lead to specific results and to track progress toward achieving a goal. Diwan programs include a wide range of topics such as citizen science, responsible research and innovation (RRI), social enterprise, and systems innovation. Each of these topics has its own theory of change that explains how specific actions and interventions will lead to desired outcomes. For example, in citizen science, the theory of change would explain how involving the public in scientific research will lead to a better understanding of the issues being studied and improved outcomes for the community. In social enterprise, the theory of change would explain how creating businesses that focus on social or environmental impact rather than just profit will lead to a more sustainable and equitable society. In systems innovation, the theory of change would explain how a holistic, systemic approach to addressing complex issues will lead to more effective and sustainable solutions. Overall, the theory of change is an essential tool for understanding how different actions and interventions will lead to specific results and tracking progress toward achieving a goal.


A linear approach is a method of problem-solving that assumes that a problem can be broken down into smaller, manageable parts and that a solution can be found by working through each part in a logical, step-by-step fashion. This approach is often used in traditional, reductionist sciences, where the goal is to understand a complex system by breaking it down into simpler components.

Non-linearity, on the other hand, refers to the idea that complex systems cannot be reduced to a simple, linear cause-and-effect relationship. Instead, these systems are made up of a large number of interconnected elements, and the behaviour of the system as a whole cannot be predicted by simply understanding the behaviour of its individual parts. Non-linear systems are often characterized by feedback loops, where small changes in one part of the system can significantly affect other parts.

In the context of systems innovation, non-linearity is essential because it allows for the possibility of transformative change. Rather than solving a problem by working on individual parts of the system, non-linear approaches focus on understanding the complex interactions between different parts and finding ways to intervene in those interactions to create positive change.

Diwan Programs

Diwan can help transnational communities design systems innovation programs by providing a range of services and resources. One key area of focus would be on facilitating the identification and understanding of systemic issues within the community and the root causes of these issues. This could involve working with community members to gather data and conduct research, as well as providing training and education on systems thinking and systems innovation.

Another essential aspect would be to help the community develop a comprehensive theory of change, outlining the steps and strategies needed to address complex issues and achieve desired outcomes. This could involve working with community leaders and stakeholders to identify potential solutions and interventions, as well as providing support and resources for planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Diwan can also help the community explore different models of social enterprises, such as the micro-production model, and identify how these models can be adapted to address specific issues and challenges. Additionally, Diwan can provide access to experts and practitioners with experience in systems innovation to help the community learn from best practices and proven approaches.

Ultimately, the key to success in designing a robust systems innovation program for transnational communities will be a deep understanding of the community’s context, needs, and aspirations, as well as a willingness to work in partnership with community members to co-create and co-implement solutions.

A citizen science program combined with a systems innovation program can comprehensively address complex issues facing transnational communities. The workflow guide for citizen scientists would include the following steps:

  1. Identification of issues: Citizen scientists work with Diwan and other community leaders to identify their transnational community’s specific issues. This could include environmental, social, and governance issues previously identified through RRI.
  2. Systems thinking: Citizen scientists learn about systems thinking and how it can be applied to addressing complex issues. This includes understanding the underlying causes of problems and how different components of a system are interconnected.
  3. Data collection: Citizen scientists are trained to collect data and information related to the identified issues. This could include surveys, interviews, or other forms of data gathering.
  4. Analysis: The collected data is analyzed using systems thinking to identify critical areas that need to be addressed. This could include understanding the root causes of problems and identifying potential solutions.
  5. Micro-production: Citizen scientists learn about the micro-production model and how it can be applied to addressing complex issues. This includes understanding the benefits of micro-production and how it can provide the optimal architecture for addressing complex issues.
  6. Design of systems innovation program: Citizen scientists work with Diwan to design a systems innovation program that addresses the identified issues and incorporates the micro-production model.
  7. Implementation: The systems innovation program is implemented with the support and guidance of Diwan. Citizen scientists continue to collect data and provide feedback to ensure the program is effective.
  8. Evaluation: The systems innovation program is evaluated to measure its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, the citizen science program combined with the systems innovation program allows citizens to actively address the issues affecting their communities by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge. Diwan can help transnational communities design these programs by providing expertise in systems thinking, micro-production model, and community engagement.

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